DL Poly Classic Installation

From Supercomputación y Cálculo Científico UIS
Revision as of 15:49, 27 April 2015 by Sgelvez (talk | contribs)


DL Poly Classic Installation

DL Poly Classic 1.9 on Debian 7.0


1. First you need to check is Tcsh is intalled

aptitude search build-essential aptitude install tcsh

2. Go to and check the download instructions:


NOTE: The compilers must be: GCC: 4.5.0 and above; LLVM Clang: 3.4 and above; Intel ICC: 14.0.1

5. Edit /etc/profile.d/apps.sh and add the following lines. Then replicate these changes in the apps.sh file of every node.

File: /etc/profile.d/apps.sh
echo '#DL Poly Classic' >> gatico
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/dl_class_1.9' >> gatico