Debian LDAP Client Installation

From Supercomputación y Cálculo Científico UIS
Revision as of 16:23, 1 September 2014 by Sgelvez (talk | contribs) (Ldap client installation in Debian Wheezy)
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This procedure shows how to create a ldap client installation from packages.

1. First install the required packages:

aptitude -y install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap ldap-utils

An interface is shown at the end of the installation of the packages; In that interface is were the configuration parameters must be entered.

2. Server setup

NOTE: ldap://

3) Configurar la base


4) Configurar la versión del protocolo

       Seleccionar 3

5) Configurar que las utilidades de PAM puedan cambiar las contraseñas

       Responder Yes

6) Configurar el acceso a la base de datos

       Responder No

7) Configurar la cuenta de acceso con privilegios a LDAP


8) Configurar la contraseña de la cuenta anterior