Add resources (machines) to the pool

From Supercomputación y Cálculo Científico UIS
Revision as of 21:56, 11 October 2014 by Sgelvez (talk | contribs)

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Add the resources (new nodes) to OAR

1. Edit a file /tmp/nodos with the names of the new nodes (one per line)

File: /tmp/nodos

2. Then run the following command

oar_resources_init /tmp/nodos

3. Now run

source /tmp/oar_resources_init.cmd

4. Add GPU resources from nodes. Edit a file (GPUresources.cmd) with the following lines:

File: GPUresources.cmd
oarnodesetting --sql "core=169" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=57 -p gputype=M2075
oarnodesetting --sql "core=170" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=57 -p gputype=M2075
oarnodesetting --sql "core=171" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=57 -p gputype=M2075
NOTE: Each new core must correspond with the new GPU. In guane, for instance, where each node has 24 cores and 8 GPU, each GPU has been assigned to 3 cores. The following script can be used to generate that file. Choose the counters accordingly to the situation: i, j, k, gpu.
# Este script genera un (CPUresources.cmd) que contiene
# las líneas necesarias para agregar los recursos GPU de un
# nodo a la BD de OAR
# En el caso de guane, hay 24 cores por nodo y 8 GPUs por nodo
# Entonces se asigna un GPU cada 3 cores.


while [ $gpu -lt 65 ]
      echo "oarnodesetting --sql \"core=$i\" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=$gpu -p gputype=M2075" >> GPUresources.cmd
      echo "oarnodesetting --sql \"core=$j\" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=$gpu -p gputype=M2075" >> GPUresources.cmd
      echo "oarnodesetting --sql \"core=$k\" -p gpu=YES -p gpunum=$gpu -p gputype=M2075" >> GPUresources.cmd
      i=`echo $i + 3 | bc`
      j=`echo $j + 3 | bc`
      k=`echo $k + 3 | bc`
      gpu=`echo $gpu + 1 | bc`

5. Add the resources with the following command:

source GPUresources.cmd