Slurm-web Installation
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Slurm-web installation
First, let's review the pre-requisites:
- python
- pyslurm (python module)
- Flask (python module)
- clusterShell (python module)
- bootstrap (javascript library)
- jQuery
- Flot (jQuery extension for graph drawing)
all python modules and javascript libraries ought to be installed via apt packages for the slurm-web installation to work
Installing pre-requisites
Some previous packages:
The slurm-web package require pyslurm to be provided by a package called python-pyslurm. In the debian release where this procedure was tested that package didn't exist, so it had to be provided by a dummy package.
First, install the real pyslurm using pip
Test it using the examples shown in
Then create a dummy package using equivs. First, install equivs if your system doesn't have it:
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.5.10
Package: python-pyslurm
Provides: python-pyslurm
Architecture: all
Description: Dummy package whichs only purpose is to provide pyslurm
Now, build the package:
And, install it:
Bootstrap, jQuery y Float:
Now, bootstrap must be activated using:
Installation of the main package
First, it is required to get the latest snapshot of slurm-web from github:
Finally, install using dpkg, first the REST api package then the dashboard:
Configuration and customisation
In /usr/share/slurm-web/ there is a folder called static. Put a custon logo there. In /etc/slurm-web/ there is a file called racks.xml. That file must be edited. The example for GUANE is presented below, but a more general version is shown in the oficial documentation of slurm-web [2]
To do:
Figure out a distribution independent way of installation. Since it only uses javascript and python, it should be possible to install via "sources" and paths.