Computación de alto rendimiento y científica
From Supercomputación y Cálculo Científico UIS
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Algoritmos y Computación de Alto Rendimiento - Código 29451
Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández, PhD. ( c b a r r i o s + * @ * + u i s . e d u . c o )
Unidad I: XXXXX
- Introducción a la Computación Científica
- Introducción al Linux
- Linux y SLURM
Unidad II: XXXXX
- Algoritmos
- Introducción al C/C++
- Introducción al Python
- Debugging y Profiling
- Arquitecturas de Computación de Alto Rendimiento
- Memoria Compartida con OpenMP
- Memoria Distribuída con MPI
- OpenACC y Otras Directivas de Aceleración
Unidad IV: XXXXX
Unidad V: XXXXX
- xxxxxx
- xxxxx
- xxxxx
- xxxx
Evaluaciones (2 Semestre de 2021)
- Evaluación 1: 20% xxxx)
- Evaluación 2: 20% (xxxxx)
- Evaluación 3: 20% (xxxxxx)
- Evaluación 4: 20% (xxxxxxx).
- Evaluación 5: 20% (xxxxxxx).
- En el Itém 4, se medirás las evaluaciones 2 y 3.
- Deben colocar el proyecto en un blog generado para los proyectos finales. Las condiciones se darán posteriormente.
Presentaciones del Curso
Bibliografía y Fuentes de Información
- Elements of Parallel Computing, Eric Aubanel (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
- Essentials of Computer Architecture, D. Comer (CRC Press)
- High Performance Embedded Computing: Applications in Cyber-Physical systems and Mobile Computing, M. Wolf (Morgan Kaufmann)
- The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery
- Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster
- Patterns for Parallel Programming, by Timothy G. Mattson, Beverly A. Sanders and Berna L. Massingill. Software Patterns Series, Addison Wesley Ed., USA. 2009
- Patterns for Parallel Software Design, Jorge Luis Ortega-Arjona (Wiley)
- Structured Parallel Programming: Patterns for Efficient Computation, M. McCool, A. D. Robison and J. Reinders (Morgan Kaufmann)
- The Art of Concurrency “A thread Monkey’s Guide to Writing Parallel Applications”, by Clay Breshears (Ed. O Reilly, 2009)
- Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI « A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and Their Implementation », Karniadakis and Kirby II (Cambridge Press)
- Parallel And Distributed Computation Numerical Methods, D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitsiklis (Prentice Hall)
- An Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing, Scientific and Engineering Computation Series, Ll. D. Fosdick, E. R. Jessup, C. J. C. Schauble and G. Dmik (MIT Press)
- The Algorithms Design Manual, S. S. Skiena ( Springer)
- Algorithms Sequential and Parallel « A Unified Approach » Miller and Boxer (Computing Engineering Series)
- Parallel Algorithms, Cassanova, Legrand and Robert (Chapman and Hall/CRC)
- Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development, Ed. Victor Pankratius, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai and Walter Tichy (CRC Press)
- Introduction to HPC with MPI for Data Science, Frank Nielsen (Springer)
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors « A Hands-on Approach » , Kirk and Hwu (Nvidia/Morgan Kaufmann)
- CUDA Application Design and Development, Rob Farber (Nvidia/Morgan Kaufmann)
- Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers, Hager and Wellein (Chapman and Hall/CRC)
- Sourcebook of Parallel Computing , Dongarra, Foster, Fox, Groop, Kennedy, Torczon and White (Morgan Kaufmann)
- CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs, S. Cook (Morgan Kaufmann)
- The CUDA Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming, N. Wilt (Addison-Wesley)
- CUDA by Example « An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming » Sanders and Kandrot (Nvidia/Addison Wesley)
- CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers: Best Practices for Efficient CUDA Fortran Programming, G. Ruetsch and M. Fatica (Morgan Kaufmann/PGI/Nvidia)
- HPC@Green IT: Green High Performance Computing Methods, R. Gruber and V. Keller (Springer)
- OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies, S. Chandraserkaran and G. Juckeland (Addison-Wesley)
- OpenACC: Parallel Programming with OpenACC, Edited by Rob Farber (Morgan Kaufmann)
- High Performance Parallelism Pearls: Multicore and Many-core Programming Approaches, J. Reinders and J. Jeffers (Morgan Kaufmann)
- OpenMP
- OpenACC
- SC3
- SC-Camp
Horas de Consulta
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