Slurm-web Installation
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Slurm-web installation
First, let's review the pre-requisites:
- python
- pyslurm (python module)
- Flask (python module)
- clusterShell (python module)
- bootstrap (javascript library)
- jQuery
- Flot (jQuery extension for graph drawing)
all python modules and javascript libraries ought to be installed via apt packages for the slurm-web installation to work
Installing pre-requisites
Some previous packages:
Test it by the procedure detailed in
Check the project page for more info
The slurm-web package require pyslurm to be provided by a package called python-pyslurm. In the debian release where this procedure was tested that package didn't exist, so it had to be provided by a dummy package.
First, install the real pyslurm using pip
Test it using the examples shown in
Then create a dummy package using equivs. First, install equivs if your system doesn't have it:
then create a configuration file for our new package
. Now, we should edit the configuration file for the package to provide python-pyslurm [1]. The package will provide nothing in reality, but the package management system will be fooled into thinking that the package is present. The actual functionality is going to be provided by the pyslurm pip package. The important options are presented below:
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.5.10
Package: python-pyslurm
Provides: python-pyslurm
Architecture: all
Description: Dummy package whichs only purpose is to provide pyslurm
Now, build the package:
And, install it:
Bootstrap, jQuery y Float
Now, bootstrap must be activated using:
Installation of the main package
First, it is required to get the latest snapshot of slurm-web from github:
. Then, build the package from the project directory:
Finally, install using dpkg, first the REST api package then the dashboard:
Configuration and customisation
In /usr/share/slurm-web/ there is a folder called static. Put a custon logo there. In /etc/slurm-web/ there is a file called racks.xml. That file must be edited. The example for GUANE is presented below, but a more general version is shown in the oficial documentation of slurm-web [2]
To do:
Figure out a distribution independent way of installation. Since it only uses javascript and python, it should be possible to install via "sources" and paths.